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Trees of Life

The studio of the painter Charles Sahuguet. the totem painted in 1976 by the painter Charles Sahuguet. Six days + 1 painted in 1982-CP
CP. Six days + 1

Charles Sahuguet's Trees of Life are 4cm-thick paintings on wood.

91 works in various formats were produced, 52 of which are in private collections.
The remaining 39 works illustrate this site.

All the commentaries on the symbolic panels were written by Charles Sahuguet.
To display the full commentary, click on the panel or on "full text".

Charles Sahuguet thinks he has delivered his spiritual legacy with the publication of “A la recherche d’un Art d’Eglise” -Looking for an Art for Church-.
He then discovers a prodigious theme, namely the Tree of Life and has to face new formal demands attached to painting on wood panels or objects (cart wheels) but most of all embraces a universal spiritual language – to which he is introduced by the Hebraist Dominique Aubier. Formally and spiritually, Sahuguet follows a line of Tradition… Translation from P. Secretan’s Introduction to” St John’s Apocalypse, seen by Charles Sahuguet”. Editions Saint-Augustin 1998.

Charles Sahuguet comments: “Attentive to all Spiritual sources, the Bible, Zohar, the Islam of Ibn Arabi, persian illuminators, Eddas from Scandinavia, Siberian shamans, the Sioux Indians, buddhists and Incas, brought me their richness. I discovered that there is only one Tradition, one permanent symbolic language and symbolism, whatever the period, race, civilization or religion… All the commentaries on the symbolic panels were written by Charles Sahuguet.