Alpha- Omega
At the centre of the garden rises the Tree of Life.
It rises up to the clouds of heaven where the Spirit of God is.
Creation No. II (78.5 x 73) 1977.
At the bottom, the Garden of Eden enclosed by an enclosure with 4 openings (the 4 cardinal points or the 4 winds) and surrounded by the primordial waters.
In the middle of the garden rises the Tree of Life (the birds and butterflies symbolize life).
It rises up to the clouds of the sky where the Spirit of God dominates his creation.
Around the trunk coils the serpent and according to the Absolute Structure, Eve is on the left, Adam on the right.
(Text commentary by Charles Sahuguet).
Below, Alpha: the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life surmounted by the phoenix, symbol of resurrection, Adam and Eve.
The Tree is illuminated by the light coming down from the Holy City.
Above, Omega, the Messianic Jerusalem, the Tree of Life.
The River of Life flows through the Holy City. (Ap. XXI, 10 et seq., XXII, 1,2).
The Tetramorph marks the proximity of the divine presence.
Alpha-Omega (100 x 70) 1980.
At the bottom, Alpha: the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life surmounted by the phoenix, symbol of resurrection, Adam and Eve.
The Garden is surrounded by the lower primordial waters.
The serpent, which offers the forbidden fruit to Eve, is outside the Garden, in the field (it was the most cunning of all the animals of the fields, Gen. III, 1).
The field is strewn with stones: and the scorpion is the image of brutality, murders, wars.
Man once driven out of Eden will be confronted with all these obstacles, dangers and pains.
The Tree is illuminated by the light which descends from the Holy City.
The right-left structure is signified by the sun and the moon.
At the top, Omega, the Messianic Jerusalem, the Tree of Life, between the throne of God and the Lamb, fructified twelve times, once every month.
The River of Life crosses the Holy City.
(Rev. XXI, 10 et seq., XXII, 1,2).
The upper primordial waters surround the ramparts of the city with twelve gates.
The Tetramorph marks the proximity of the divine presence.
Panel of slatted wood, thickness 25 mm).
(Text commentary by Charles Sahuguet).