Psalms, Song of Songs
"As a hind longs for living water, so my soul longs for you, my God. (Ps. XL,1,2)
The thirsty deer (39.5 x 31.5) 1981.
“As a deer longs/for living water, so longs my soul for you, my God.
(Ps. XL,1,2) “The river of Life, clear as crystal” (Ap. XXII,1), comes from the foot of the Tree of Life, which bears a flower (life) at the top of its branches.
The bird, “the Spirit of God” hovers over it (Gen. I,2).
The Tetramorph announces the divine presence.
(Text commentary by Charles Sahuguet).
"How beautiful you are, how charming, oh love, oh delights !
You're like a palm tree in your enthusiasm... Ct. VII, 7,8,9
The Tree of Life and the Shulamite I (50 x 32.5) 1980.
“How beautiful you are, how charming you are, oh love, oh delights!
In your momentum, you resemble the palm tree, your breasts are its clusters, I said: I will climb the palm tree, I will seize its bunches” (Ct.VII, 7,8,9)/Serpent and moon on the left, sun and cat on the right, mark the Structure.
(Text commentary by Charles Sahuguet).