Souls and Bodies
Before descending into this world, souls enter the Garden" (Zoh.I,284 b ...") The male soul and the female soul are united together. It is only after their descent into this world that they separate, each going its own way and animating two different bodies, that of a man and that of a woman" (Zohar. 85 b).
He created them male and female, soul and body (60x 46) 1978.
The Zohar says “A tradition teaches us that, by the force of the will of the Supreme King, a powerful Tree grew.
It is the highest of all the plants above.
It embraces the four cardinal points of the world, and its roots extend over a space of 500 leagues...
At its foot flow the waters created at the time of creation and head in various directions: it is from there that all the souls of the world emanate.
Before descending into this world, the souls enter the Garden” (Zoh. I, 284 b)... “
The male soul and the female soul are united together.
It is only after their descent into this world that they separate, each on its own side, and will animate two different bodies, that of a man and that of a woman” (Zoh. 85 b).
Thus the souls in the Tree of Life are asexual: they only differentiate themselves by entering the bodies at the foot of the Tree.
Text commentary by Charles Sahuguet.
"Your slain shall live again, their dead bodies shall rise; ...for your dew is a dew of light, and the land of shadows shall give birth" (Is. XXVI ,19).
And the bodies will awaken (30x50) 1978.
“Your dead will live again, their corpses will be resurrected…for your dew is a luminous dew and the land of shadows will give birth” (Is. XXVI, 19).
“Then the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun and the light of the sun will become 7 times stronger, -like the light of 7 days-; the day when Yahweh will heal the wounds of his people and cure the wounds of their blows” (Is. XXX,26).
“On that day - oracle of Yahweh - I will remove from the land... the spirit of impurity” (Zac. XIII,2).
“Thus says the Lord Yahweh.
Behold, I open your tombs, and I will raise you up from your tombs, my people” (Ez. XXXVII,12).
(Text commentary by Charles Sahuguet).